How would you like your ads served? Banners? Skyscrapers? Rectangles?Squares? What about borders and background colors?
The choices can be overwhelming. Many people let Google decide for thempreferringto stick with the default settings. Big mistake! From my ownexperience I can tell you that it's like swapping a hundred-dollar bill for aten-dollar one.
For almost one year I settled for just a tenth of what I could have beenmaking — just because I didn't bother to control the looks and placement ofmy AdSense ads.
The various ad formats, colors and their placement on the web page can bedone in thousands of combinations. You can literally spend hours every dayexperimenting with every possible combination. But you don't want to, do you?
Let me give you a few 'ground rules' that have sky-rocketed the CTR's on mytop-grossing pages:
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